Yes, mail to for a free trial account. Do mention your contact info to create account.
The interface is quite easy to use. If you face difficulties call support for help.
As such there is no limit if you submit Bulk SMS or SMS from file or phonebook but while submitting SMS from Send SMS link or Send SMS(Comma Separated) link, you should try and limit the number of comma separated destination addresses to approximately 1000.
You can make online payments through payment link. For high volume credits payment is accepted via Cheque, Demand Draft or payment can be directly deposited to our bank account.
Send your details on SMPP requirement to, we will create & send SMPP User Credentials via email.
You need to bind the SMPP Connectivity at your server with the IP and Port details provided by us.
Customers having monthly SMS Consumption more than 10 Lakh can use SMPP API Connectivity.
No initial Setup Fees,For Pricing......CLICK HERE
You need to upload Multimedia file first, after that you can send Multimedia SMS.
You can make online payments through link. For high volume credits payment is accepted via Cheque, Demand Draft or payment can be directly deposited to our bank account.
We exclusively focus on providing quality and dependable service.